For this tag I used the following:
- 'Whimsy Butterfly Garden' kit from Gemini Creationz which can be found HERE
- The beautiful and playful artwork of Suzanne Woolcott complamented this kit so well so I picked her and her artwork can be purchesed HERE
- Animation shop
- First I picked my background blue paper and the green that I used for the grass.
- On the green paper take your freehand draw tool with the following settings and just drew a softly rolling grassy area
Copy this area and paste it at the bottom of your background blue so as to make grass and sky.
- Next I added the fence area. I decided I did not want it solid so I placed them sporatically across the 'grass' and applied a 3, 3, 100, 10 BLACK drop shadow (these are the drop settings I used for the remainder of my peices for this tag.)
- Next I used the ivy to run between the fence, I switched the layers on some of the fence peices so the ivy was twining through it,. Drop Shadow again
- Next I added FRAME-1 with a drop shadow
- Now I added the elsements of choice Flowers, Bees, Butterflies, Bird Bath, Sun layering when needed and also with a drop shadow
- Now I added my playful tube.
- Add your copyrights if needed as well as your watermark (mine is the daisy on my lil girls knee)
- Copy this and paste it to Animation shop (we will call this your art layer)
- Add your text you would like Summer lovin worked well for me as I am a Grease fan Ü, as well as the name of whom the tag so for.
- Make sure you have the text layer active and copy this to animation shop.(your text layer)
- On the blue line around your text right click to your popup menu and select Insert Image Transition
- I chose Blinds 2.0 sec and 14fps... this gave me 29 frames (28 for the transition and 1 for the full text)
- Activate your art layer and right click the blue line and on the menu hit copy
- Hold down "Ctrl+Shift+L" Till you have 29 layers of your art frame.
- Go back to the text layer "Ctrl+A" to select all and "Ctrl+C" to copy
- On the Art layer "Ctrl+A" and then "Ctrl E" to past into selcted frame.
- Make sure you do not click again until you have the text where you would like it to appear.
- CTRL+A again.. Animation in the toolbar and then resize animation to the size you prefer if you have not already done so
- Hope you enjoyied I know I love this kit!
- Blessed Be ~Lorilynn
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